Wood Prints

From $55.00

Modern meets rustic, Fine Art Wood Prints feature your imagery on a gorgeous wooden surface with warm tones and subtle natural grain

Do not use chemicals, cleaners, or abrasive cloths

Finishing Options
White Base or Wood Base finishing options; with Wood Base, any pure white (RGB255) in your image will show through as the natural wood; the natural Wood Base will lean on the yellow side (Please make a note order comments which you prefer. 

Please Note
Images on Wood Prints are printed directly onto the soft yellow base wood surface. Knot holes and the natural grain of the wood will accept the dye differently. This will result in a beautiful natural wood printed product, but may have natural imperfections and will not be comparable to an image printed on paper. Therefore we cannot consent to remakes or issue credits solely for these natural characteristics of the product.


5 x 7
8 x 10
11.5 11.5
16 x 16
19.5 x 19.5
12 x 24
16 x 24
20 x 24
15 x 30
20 x 30
24 x 36
30 x 30
24 x 48
30 x 40

Base Type

White Base
Wood Base

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